The UCITS aims to preserve capital and achieve a performance equal to the Euro Short-Term Rate Index (€STR) on a 12 month basis, the fund´s volatility is extremely low and its sensitivity is kept below 0.5. Hugau Moneterme is ideal for investors who wish to get a significative return with a low risk.
A money market mutual fund is not a guaranteed investment. Investing in a money market mutual fund differs from investing in deposits; invested capital may vary upward or downward. A money market mutual fund cannot rely on external support to guarantee its liquidity or stabilize its net asset value per unit or per share. The risk of capital loss must be supported by the investor.
Fund | Indicator | ||
Aggregate performances | 1 Week | 0,057 | 0,056 |
1 Mois | 0,233 | 0,211 | |
3 Mois | 0,771 | 0,715 | |
YTD | 0,591 | 0,540 | |
1 an | 3,794 | 3,541 | |
3 ans | 8,407 | 7,907 | |
5 ans | 8,096 | 6,822 | |
Annualised performances | 3 ans | 2,725 | 2,567 |
Aggregate performances | Annualised performances | |||||||
1 Week | 1 Month | 3 Month | YTD | 1Y | 3Y | 5Y | 3Y | |
Fund | 0,057 | 0,233 | 0,771 | 0,591 | 3,794 | 8,407 | 8,096 | 2,725 |
Indicator | 0,056 | 0,211 | 0,715 | 0,540 | 3,541 | 7,907 | 6,822 | 2,567 |
* Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
This promotional document is a simplified presentation and does not constitute a subscription offer or an investment recommendation. All subscribers must refer to the Key Investor Information Document (KIID) and prospectus both available on our website or on demand free of charge.
L’indicateur synthétique de risque et de rendement (SRRI) est calculé conformément aux dispositions réglementaires applicables aux OPCVM conformes aux normes européennes « UCITS IV ». L’indicateur synthétique de risque et de rendement est basé sur la volatilité des performances passées hebdomadaires de l’OPCVM. Il donne une indication de la volatilité des performances passées ainsi qu’une information générale quant au profil de risque de l’OPCVM.